Class Information
- Instructors:
- Maria Patricia Rouelli Sabino-Santos
- Yves Lean Krishner Macayana
- Lecture: SDE S 10:00am-12:00pm EEEI 120
- Lab:
- SDESWX: Saturday 1:00-4:00pm EEEI 301
- SDETWX: Tuesday 1:00-4:00pm EEEI 301
- SDEWRU: Wednesday 8:30-11:30am EEEI 301
- Hello!
- We’re on Piazza! Join the discussions here. Discuss quiz answers, ask lecture related questions, clarify lab exercise specifications here.
- For the lab, laptops can be borrowed from the Instruments Room. However, you may use your own laptops.
- DP1 Specs are now released! Checking would be done during your respective lab classes during the week of 10/06/2018 to 10/10/2018.
- Long Exam 1 is tentatively scheduled on 09/29/2018.
Lecture Slides
- Lecture 0: Welcome to CoE 23
- Lecture 1: Review of Synchronous Sequential Circuits
- Lecture 2: Incompletely Specified Machines
- Lecture 3: ISM Minimization
- Lecture 4: One-hot encoding; Standard Sequential Modules
- Lecture 5: ASM
- Lecture 6: Non-idealities
- Lecture 7: Sequential Timing (pptx), (odp)
- Lecture 8: Asynchronous Sequential Circuits: Analysis
- Lecture 9: Asynchronous Sequential Circuits: Synthesis
- Lecture 10: State Assignment
- Lecture 11: Hazards
- Lecture 12: ASC Synthesis Revisited
Lab Exercises
- For Unix, run HADES by executing the command: ‘java -jar hades.jar’, from a terminal on the directory where hades.jar is located.
- For Windows, as long as Java is installed, you can just double click the JAR
- Lab Exercise 0: Introduction to HADES
- Lab Exercise 1: Synthesis of Synchronous Sequential Circuits
- Lab Exercise 2: Incompletely Specified Machines
- Lab Exercise 3: One-Hot Encoding
- Design Problem 1: Signed Sequential Multiplier (Last updated: 09/19)
- Lab Exercise 4: Circuit Non-idealities (SWX | TWX/WRU)
- Lab Exercise 5: Asynchronous Sequential Circuits (TWX/WRU/SWX)
- Lab Exercise 6: Discrete Digital Circuits