I am an Assistant Professor at the UP Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute. I received my B.S. Computer Engineering and M.S. Electrical Engineering from the University of the Philippines Diliman in 2013 and 2018, respectively. I have been a faculty member of UP EEEI since 2013 and has been teaching courses, mostly on electronics and circuit analysis. My research involvement has been focused on low power integrated circuits for sensing and communication but I am also interested in biomedical applications and flexible electronics. I am looking forward to study and take PhD in electrical engineering to further my knowledge and skills in IC design, to learn about and experience the research process in a more advanced institution, and, ultimately, to use these knowledge and skills in developing technologies that would benefit society. (CV)
Contact Information
- Email: christopher.santos@eee.upd.edu.ph
- Phone: +63 2 8981 8500 local 3380
- M.S. Electrical Engineering, University of the Philippines (Diliman), 2018
- B.S. Computer Engineering, University of the Philippines (Diliman), 2013
Research Interests
- Integrated Circuits for Low Power Sensor Nodes
- Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits and Systems
- Circuits for Biomedical Applications
- Flexible Electronics
Research Work/Involvement
- SmartWire Project
- A research project aimed at developing a fully integrated sensor node with both power line and RF energy harvesting and communication capabilities for a large scale, low-maintenance sensor network for smart power grid monitoring.
- My major contribution is the design of the IF to baseband processing chain of the RF On-Off Keying receiver, which includes a series of IF amplifiers, a squarer, a baseband amplifier, a comparator, a shift-register based integrator, a majority vote thresholding block, and a Manchester decoder, to perform digital energy detection.

- Optimal Oversampling Using Probabilistic Error Modeling in Low-Power Digital Energy Detection Receivers (Master’s Thesis)
- Identified the best pair of majority vote digital thresholds for the on (signal + noise) and off (noise only) states to achieve the best bit error rate for a fixed oversampling frequency and SNR
- Established the tradeoffs in varying oversampling frequency and input SNR in terms of error performance and power consumption to determine the optimal oversampling rate to achieve minimum overall power consumption for a target error performance

- A Switched-Capacitor Filter for Channel Selection on a Smart Grid Wireless Sensor Network in 65-nm CMOS Process Technology (Undergraduate Capstone Project)
- A 10th order elliptic switched-capacitor bandpass filter with a 450kHz center frequency, 30kHz band width, and 10kHz guard band
- I led signal-flow graph analysis for the passive-to-active conversion and the design of bootstrapped-switches for constant VGS switching
Select Publications
- A. Ting, A. Alvarez, M. T. de Leon, M. Rosales, M. P. R. Sabino, J. R. Hizon, C. Santos, “Designing a Class E Power Amplifier through Modeling in Verilog-A,” International System-on-Chip Design Conference (ISOCC), Online Conference, 2020.
- P. L. Panis, M. S. Ralota, J. Matanguihan, A. Alvarez, J. R. Hizon, M. Rosales, C. Santos, M. T. de Leon, “Design and Implementation of a Self-Starting Thermal Energy Harvester with Resonant Startup and Maximum Power Point Tracking Capabilities for Wireless Sensor Networks,” International System-on-Chip Design Conference (ISOCC), Korea, 2019.
- J. L. Reyes, J. Jamir, J. C. Roberto, J. R. Hizon, A. Alvarez, M. T. de Leon, M. Rosales, C. Santos, “Varying Resolution Pipelined ADC for Direct IF Sampling Receiver in Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Symposium on Multimedia and Communication Technology, Manila, 2018.
- D. D. Estarija, K. G. Juntado, M. L. Panagsagan, A. Alvarez, M. T. de Leon, M. Rosales, J. R. Hizon, C. Santos, “Design and Implementation of a Baseband LoRa Demodulator Using De-Chirp Method,” International Symposium on Multimedia and Communication Technology, Manila, 2018.
- C. Santos, and L. Alarcon, “Modelling of Errors in a Digital Energy Detector for On-Off Keying Receivers,” IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), Sydney, 2018.
Other Publications
- M. Adonis, R. Forteza, A. Ramos, A. Alvarez, M. T. de Leon, J. R. Hizon, M. P. R. Sabino, C. Santos, M. Rosales, “FPGA-based Features Extraction Sensor for Lettuce Crop,” IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Online conference, 2020.
- V. Baylosis, P. Chua, M. Neri, R. Ridao, A. Tan, M. T. de Leon, J. R. Hizon, M. P. R. Sabino, C. Santos, M. Rosales, A. Alvarez, “Design and Implementation of a Pipelined RV32IMC Processor with Interrupt Support for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Online conference, 2020.
- C. J. Dia, R. Himor, A. Alvarez, J. R. Hizon, M. Rosales, M. P. R. Sabino, C. Santos, M. T. de Leon, “An Interface Circuit for Shock Inputs in Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting using Synchronous Electric Charge Extraction,” International System-on-Chip Design Conference (ISOCC), Online conference, 2020.
- A. Caburnay, J. G. Reyes, A. Alvarez, M. T. de Leon, J. R. Hizon, M. Rosales, C. Santos, M. P. R. Sabino, “Design Space Exploration of a 512KB STT-Assisted SOT MRAM Cache,” International System-on-Chip Design Conference (ISOCC), Online conference, 2020.
- S. K. L. Quintans, F. B. Narcida, J. E. Tordesillas, M. P. R. Sabino, A. Alvarez, M. T. de Leon, J. R. Hizon, C. Santos, M. Rosales, “5 Gb/s Optical Transceiver for MEMS Tunable HCG-VCSEL in 65nm CMOS,” International System-on-Chip Design Conference (ISOCC), Online conference, 2020.
- R. Alsim, A. Alvarez, M. T. de Leon, M. Rosales, M. P. R. Sabino, C. Santos, J. R. Hizon, “A Top-Down Approach of a Low Noise Amplifier Design Using Verilog-A,” International System-on-Chip Design Conference (ISOCC), Online conference, 2020.