Class Information
- Instructors: Chris Vincent J. Densing, Bryan Edward Ayson
- Lecture
- Tues and Thurs 1-2:30pm
- EEEI room LC2
- Laboratory
- Mon 11:30am-2:30pm or 2:30-5:30pm
- EEEI room 428
- 6/7: Tentative grades may be viewed here. Attendance, Quizzes, and Homeworks (AQH) have already been given away as bonus. People with passing grades have until 9PM tonight to e-mail questions/clarifications. Afterwards, I shall upload their grades in CRS. Exam papers may be claimed at room 409.
- 5/19: Final exam schedule is on Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 1-4PM. The room will be at LC2.
- 5/19: PIIC will have a training seminar on Integrated Circuit Design layout. If anyone is interested, you can sign up here.
- 5/4: Tentative final exam schedule is on Friday, May 27, 2016, 4-7PM.
- 3/31: Midterm exam will be on Thursday, April 7, 2016, during class hours. Please bring A4 sheets of paper for your answer sheets.
- 3/25: Quiz 1 results may now be viewed here. If you want to get your answer sheets, feel free to approach me and ask for them.
- 3/9: Quiz 1 and solutions (part A, part B)
- 2/28: No lecture class on Tuesday, March 1, 2016. Please use this time to study for a short quiz on Thursday. Coverage will be all lectures 1 to 8.
- 1/19: Welcome to CoE 141!
Lecture Slides
Lab Materials