- Mixed-Signal Systems
- Lecture Schedule:
- Tue/Thu 10am-11:30am, Room: EEEI 123
- 1/19: Welcome to EE 224!
- 1/22: To prepare for our design and simulation activities, make sure you have: (1) a Microlab account, and (2) you have access to the Microlab wiki. Please approach Rico Maestro if you encounter any problems. Though our exercises will be tool agnostic, an easy way to start with Verilog-A is to go through the setup tutorial found here. This is a step-by-step guide to setting up your environment so that you can use Verilog, Verilog-A, and Spectre together.
- 1/30: Assignment #1 is here, due 5:30pm Tuesday, 2/20, via email.
- 3/15: Assignment #2 is here, due Friday, 3/23, 5pm.
- The Verilog-A model of our Gm cell is here
- 7/9: Assignment #3 is here, due Friday, 8/3, 5pm. (Sorry for the very late post. If you have any trouble accessing the ST 65nm process files, let me know.)
Class Lectures
- Lecture 1: Introduction (pdf)
- Lecture 2: Introduction to Filters (pdf)
- Lecture 3: Filters – Low Pass Filter Prototypes (pdf)
- Lecture 4: Filters – Signal Flow Graphs, Integrator-based Filters (pdf)
- Lecture 5: Filters – Higher-order Ladder Filters (pdf)
- Lecture 6: Filters – Ladder Filter Synthesis (pdf)
- Lecture 7: Filters – Zeros, Integrator Non-idealities (pdf)
- Lecture 8: Filters – Amplifier Non-idealities, Integrator Implementations (pdf)
- Lecture 9: Filters – Tuning (pdf)
- Lecture 10: Filters – Automatic Tuning (pdf)
- Lecture 11: Filters – Digitally-assisted Tuning, Filter Transformations (pdf)
- Lecture 12: Filters – Bandpass Filters, Introduction to Switched Capacitor Filters (pdf)
- Lecture 13: Filters – Switched Capacitor Filters (pdf)
- Lecture 14: Filters – Switched Capacitor Noise, Integrators (pdf)
- Lecture 15: Data Converters (pdf)
- Lecture 16: Data Converters – Static Error (pdf)
- Lecture 17: Data Converters – Spectral Characteristics (pdf)
- Lecture 18: Data Converters – D/A Converters (pdf)
- Lecture 19: Data Converters – D/A INL and DNL (pdf)
- Lecture 20: Data Converters – D/A Dynamic Characteristics, Sampling (pdf)
- Lecture 21: Data Converters – Practical Sampling Issues (pdf)
- Lecture 22: Data Converters – Track and Hold, A/D Converters (pdf)
- Lecture 23: Data Converters – Flash A/D Converters (pdf)