Class Information
EEE 105 Computer Organization: Instruction sets. Computer arithmetic. Datapath and control. Memory system organization and architecture. Interfacing and communication. Assembly language programming.
- Lecture (3 units): Marc D. Rosales, WF 1pm – 2:30pm (LC2)
- Laboratory (1 unit): Christiensen D.C. Arandilla (Email:, T 7am – 10am (EPIL), T 2:30pm – 5:30pm (STC), H 11:30am – 2:30pm (STC), H 2:30pm – 5:30pm (STC)
- 08/07/2014: Welcome to EEE 105! This webpage is for the laboratory class only. Please wait for updates on the lecture class webpage.
- 08/12/2014: No lab class on August 19 and 21.
- 09/13/2014: No lab class on September 16 and 18. Class records uploaded, see link below.
- 09/30/2014: No lab class for WFWT1 today.
Class Resources
- Lab Week 0 (08/07/2014): No class!
- Please prepare a 3×5 index card with a 1×1 picture attached on the top right corner. Put your name, student number, address, contact details, and course. Leave the back side blank. See you next week!
- Lab Week 1 (08/12/2014): Introduction to Computer Organization and Assembly Programming
- Slides: (PDF)
- Lab Week 2 (08/26/2014): MIPS Assembler and Runtime Simulator
- MARS Download: (MARS4_4.jar)
- Slides: (PDF)
- Solutions to lab exercises: (part1.asm | part2.asm | part3.asm)
- How to log in to STC machines:
- Username: eee105_200X06666
- Password: 1.eee105_200X06666
- How to run MARS:
- [user@stc:~] java -jar Mars4_4.jar
- Lab Week 3 (09/02/2014): Subroutines and User Stack
- Slides: (PDF)
- Solutions to exercises: (part1.asm | part2.asm)
- Lab Week 4 (09/09/2014): More Recursion
- Solutions to exercises: (part1.c | part2.asm)
- Lab Week 5 (09/23/2014): Execution Time
- Files for lab: (
- Solutions to exercises: (sorting.pdf | sorting.asm)
- Lab Week 6 (10/02/2014): Memory-Mapped I/O
- Slides: (PDF)
- Files for lab: (mmio_sample.asm | timer_pseudo.asm)
- Solution to exercise: (timer.asm)
- Lab Week 7 (10/09/2014): Polling and Interrupts
- Slides: (PDF)
- Files for lab: (keypolling.asm | keyinterrupt.asm)
- Solution to exercise: (timer_keypad.asm)
- Lab Week 8 (10/16/2014): Release of Machine Problem 1
- For specifications, see UVLe.
- Lab Week 9 (10/23/2014): MP1 Progress
- Sample code: (keyboard_display_sample.asm)
- Lab Week 10 (10/30/2014): Digital Circuit Design, Submission of Machine Problem 1
- Grading for MP1
Able to load random words from a text file and store it in memory (10 pts)
Can display messages in the display panel (10 pts)
Can accept inputs from the keyboard and process it (10 pts)
Able to compare the inputs from the displayed word (10 pts)
Can display time(7-segment) remaining in seconds resolution (5 pts)
Can display time(7-segment) remaining in tenths of a second resolution (5 pts)
Can choose different difficulty levels using keys 1, 2, 3 on keypad (5 pts)
Has correct difficulty levels based on specs (10 pts)
Can restart game using key A (5 pts)
Can quit game using key F (5 pts)
Able to display scores and average speed (5 pts)
Complete documentation (20 pts)
- Logisim download link: (logisim.jar)
- Grading for MP1
- Lab Week 11 (11/11/2014): Datapath Design
- For the exercise, see UVLe.
- Lab Week 12 (11/18/2014): Control Circuit Design
- Slides: (PDF)
- For the exercise, see UVLe.
- Lab Week 13 (12/02/2014): Machine Problem 2
- For specifications, see UVLe.
- Lab Week 14 (12/09/2014): MP2 Progress
- Lab Week 15 (12/16/2014): Submission of Machine Problem 2
- Grading for MP2
- Working I/O interface (interrupt) for either keypad or keyboard – 40%
- Working I/O interface for display or screen – 30%
- Working program using the I/O devices – 20%
- Documentation and demonstration – 10%
- Grading for MP2
- Unofficial Final Grades (PDF)
- If you have any questions about your grades, please send me an email immediately.