- Scores for all HWs
- Highlighted boxes in yellow are the result of regraded homeworks
- If you have any concerns on the HW results, send an email to tess@eee.upd.edu.ph with the subject “EEE 51 HW concern”
- There is one graded HW7 with no name. If you think you might be the owner of this paper, see me. -Tess
- HWScore is the 30% HW grade computed with all homeworks having the same weight, rounded UP to the nearest integer.
- MidtermScore = {(P1/27) + (P2/20) + (P3/20)} * 10; rounded UP to the nearest integer.
- FinalsScore = {(P1/22) + (P2/25) + (P3/20)} * (40/3); rounded UP to the nearest integer.
- TotalScore = HWScore + MidtermScore + FInalsScore
- Grading scale is as follows:
- 90 to 100 (1.0)
- 80 to 89 (1.5)
- 70 to 79 (2.0)
- 60 to 69 (2.5)
- 50 to 59 (3.0)
- less than 50 (5.0)